Explore Movies with an Interactive Movie Search Website
Introduction: Are you a movie enthusiast who loves exploring new films? Look no further! In this article, we’ll walk through building an interactive movie search website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With this website, you can search for movies by title, ID, or title and year, and get detailed information about your favorite films. Let’s dive in and create a fun movie discovery experience!
Setting up the HTML Structure: To begin, we’ll set up the basic HTML structure of our movie search website. We’ll create a header section with the website title, followed by three search forms for different search options: by title, by ID, and by title and year. Each search form will consist of an input field and a search button, designed as small interactive cards.
Adding CSS Styling: To make our website visually appealing, we’ll add CSS styling. We’ll set the background color of the body to a dark shade, and the header section will have a contrasting color. The search forms will be styled as small cards with a background color, a border-radius, and some padding. The input fields and search buttons will be positioned within the cards, creating an interactive and user-friendly design.
Fetching Movie Data with JavaScript: To fetch movie data, we’ll use JavaScript and the OMDB API. We’ll define functions for each type of search: by title, by ID, and by title and year. When a user clicks the search button, the corresponding function will be called. The function will construct the API URL with the search parameters and make a request to the OMDB API. Upon receiving the response, we’ll process the data and display the movie details in a card format.
Displaying Movie Details: We just create a movie card using HTML elements to display the movie details. The card will contain an image of the movie poster and movie details such as title, year, rating, director, actors, and plot. We’ll utilize CSS to style the movie card with a background color, border radius, and box shadow to give it a visually appealing and interactive appearance.
Conclusion: In this article, we’ve explored how to build an interactive movie search website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. By incorporating creative styling and interactive elements, we’ve created a visually appealing and user-friendly movie discovery experience. With this website, you can effortlessly search for movies by title, ID, or title and year, and get detailed information about each film. So go ahead, unleash your inner movie enthusiast, and start exploring the exciting world of cinema with my interactive movie search website!
Feel Free to watch: https://bereket0.github.io/Movie-API/